My name is Michael Tregarthen Tyack. I was born on the 22nd of June 1965. After living in many different places, I moved in 2012 to the extraordinary town of Glastonbury in Somerset. I was lucky to buy my house “777” in Silver Street in 2019 in an auction thanks to my mother.
Michael – One of the patron saints of Cornwall
Tregarthen – Cornish meaning – From the town of the giant
Tyack – Cornish meaning – farmer
In English Gematria the value of Michael Tyack is the solar number 666.
666 is 18 x 37 or 9 x 74. All is number!
4 + 6 + 10 + 11 = 31 = life path number 4
My name is Margreet Ruyter. I was born on the 17th of September 1989 in The Netherlands. I moved in January 2020 from Amsterdam to Avalon after many synchronicities were leading me to this place.
Margreet - Margaret is a girl's name of Greek origin, meaning “Pearl“ and “Daughter of the sea“. Another meaning is “Child of light“. Margarita is also linked to the daisy flower of the Canary Islands.
Ruyter - Ruyter means “Knight“ and “Chevalier“.
17-09-1989 8 + 9 + 10 + 17 = life path number 44
My interest in the invisible world started from a young age when I had the feeling there were ghosts around me. I grew up in a rational and down to earth environment so no one around me took it seriously. I started writing my dreams down from the age of sixteen and discovered the symbolic language hidden within them. Some of my dreams came out literally and sometimes I had to translate the symbolic language hidden in it. I sometimes dream it when people or animals are going to die, when they are ill, pregnant or something important is going to happen. I decided to take my dreams more seriously after the dream with the message that my father was going to die came true a few years later. Around that time I also started noticing the signs around me. I asked my father when he was still alive to give me a sign if there’s life after death. A few hours after he died a voice in my head asked me to turn the radio on. The first song I heard on the radio was his favorite song by Supertramp “Give a little bit”.
If I have a question about a certain situation I look around me and see the answers on number plates from cars, lyrics from songs on the radio, conversations around me or by opening a book on a random page. I also have many tarot and oracle cards which can help me with this because they are all part of the law of attraction. I discover more and more that everything is connected. I followed several healing and intuitive development courses and workshops and finished the Reading study at Resonance in Amsterdam. Recently I also finished a course in past life regression at the Somerset school of Hypnotherapy. I’m now a qualified aura chakra reader and offer readings and past life regressions to people in the museum. I love sharing my knowledge about dreams, intuition and synchronicities and sometimes give talks about those subjects in the museum. At the moment I‘m also writing a book and hope to finish it soon to share with the rest of the world.